
Ministries are part of Little Angels Ministry Uganda


Little Angels Aid Ministry is an umbrella ministry of multiple ministries with specific objectives. Little Angels Aid Ministry In response to the needs of Orphan +At-risk children serves these children through these ministries. Ministries are part of Little Angels Aid Ministry.

Education Ministry

Education is the key to ending the world’s orphan crisis

teach a man to fish...

Without an education, jobs are hard to come by, and without a job, a mother or father cannot feed their children. When parents cannot support their families, the family unit often breaks up, and ....

Nutrition Ministry

“If you can’t feed a hundred people feed just one.”
Mother Theresa

starving for a chance...

What we’ve found is that, when coupled with quality educational opportunities, proper nutrition is one of the most reliable factors which determine a child’s ability to succeed. More often ....

Discipleship Ministry

If our goal truly is to see children from difficult backgrounds thrive

starving for a chance...

If our goal truly is to see children from difficult backgrounds thrive, all the food and education in the world will still leave them wanting. The only way for these children to thrive is to introduce ...

Community Transformation Ministry

Where you live should not determine whether you succeed or fail.

Break the cycle...

If we can eliminate the conditions that lead to poverty and brokenness, we believe we will see entire communities set free. There are stigmas surrounding families that are uneducated, living in ....

Family Care Ministry

the love of a family is life’s greatest blessing

Family is God's design...

Aimed at helping hurting families recover and allowing vulnerable children to remain in their homes, Keeping Families Together (KFT) is an intensive program that helps children and their parents ....

Anti-trafficking Ministry

People are not possessions. Children are not commodities.

To set the captives free...

Human beings are not property. This seems like such a simple concept that everyone should understand, but sadly, there are more slaves in the world today than at any other time in human ...

Health Ministry

We focus on ensuring child and maternal health by ....

Medical counseling and testing

HIV/AIDS Education

Conducting mobile clinics

General health Education

Social Ministry

Advocate for the rights of children, youth and women

Support rehabilitation centres

Support orphanages

Advocate for the rights of children, youth and women

Empower youth & women

Water & Sanitation Ministry

Provision of water harvest tanks to improve health of orphans

Provision of water harvest tanks to improve health of orphans

Medical counseling to children and community

Public education on hygiene

Education on safe water

Pastoral Ministry

Visiting the sick and praying with them

Holding seminars

Visiting the sick and praying with them

Holding conferences

Helping the paupers and elderly

Ethnics & Integrity Ministry

Counseling services to the victims of domestic violence

Advocate for the rights of children and women

Presents little angels ministry court issues in issues regarding any form of violence against children and women

Development Ministry

Managing and supporting little Angels ministry Uganda

Managing and supporting little Angels ministry Uganda income generating projects: Agriculture. Art and crafts, publications, filming- music dance and drama, training and research among others.

Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from who need your help Isaiah 58:7