As Little Angels Aid Ministry’s name became famous, more people are coming in to help John Bosco for this work. Though they come from different sections of the world, they soon realized that John Bosco has an educational system of his own, which he called “the preventive system.”
Essentially it means to prevent a child from becoming bad. It is based on Christian charity. Its double foundation is reason and religion: in other words, a sense of understanding between teacher and student, engendered by daily contact, friendly chats, and an interest that is felt; and secondly, a sense of religion. According to John Bosco, where other systems of education have failed, this system of kind-understanding and mainly sincere religion has more than succeeded.
The system is not new, though in John Bosco’s hands it achieved a freshness all its own. While it compensates for errors committed by the young, who are often changeable and always forgetful, it does not condone the errors; instead, it uses them as stepping stones to the formation of a solid character, permeated by Christian principles of Christian character.